
Why Didn’t People Smile in Old Photos? | History of Photography

“Why are the faces in old photos always so serious? Did people in the past lead joyless lives? Or was there something else at play? And what’s the surprising connection between art, science, and these solemn expressions?”

Let’s take a brief look at the history of photography to learn this fact.

The Long Exposure Dilemma

In the early days of photography, creating a single image was a laborious process. Imagine this: the first permanent photograph, taken by Nicéphore Niépce in 1826, required eight hours of exposure time! By the 1840s, technological advancements reduced this to about 20 seconds, but even then, holding a smile was a near-impossible feat.

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Have you ever tried smiling for an extended period? It quickly transforms into an awkward grimace. Now add the cost and rarity of a photograph — equal to three months’ salary — and the need for perfect stillness. Children were even placed in restraints to stay motionless. A neutral or serious expression simply made more sense.

Influence of Traditional Art

But it wasn’t just about the technology. The aesthetics of early photography borrowed heavily from portrait painting, a practice associated with wealth and status. Before photography, painted portraits depicted their subjects as dignified and composed — smiling wasn’t part of the formula.

Early photographers imitated this tradition, reinforcing the idea that serious expressions equaled gravitas. Charles Dickens captured this sentiment in Nicholas Nickleby, noting only two acceptable portrait expressions: “serious or smirking.” Smiling in a formal portrait was considered frivolous, even inappropriate, for much of the 19th century.

When Did Smiling Become the Norm?

It wasn’t until the 20th century, with the rise of casual photography and the invention of faster film, that smiling became standard. Photographs transitioned from rare luxury items to everyday snapshots, capturing joy and spontaneity.

Ulviye Suna

Hello, I'm Ulviye. I have been working as a professional digital marketing specialist for about 15 years. My amateur interests include decoration, travel, yoga, astrology, and surfing. I enjoy sharing my personal experiences related to these topics. I hope you find them beneficial as well.

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