
North Node in Libra-South Node in Aries

The North Node in Libra-South Node in Aries primarily concern how a person expresses their identity. The Libra-Aries axis is also referred to as the we-I axis. If your lunar nodes are on this axis, your main agenda is your personality. Are you always saying “I,” or are you losing yourself in “we”? To break free from this cycle, you need to focus on the sign indicated by your North Node.

What Do Libra North Node and Aries South Node Mean?

In past experiences as the South Node in Aries, you have been focused on “I.” Your desires have always been a priority. You acted on impulse and often ignored your partner. The South Node in Aries knows no boundaries or rules. It disregards the rights of others. Yes, it is bold, a natural leader, and courageous, but it can be hurtful because it forgets to listen and struggles to maintain balance in relationships.

The North Node in Libra, however, needs to learn to listen and harmonize with others. You must learn to seek input before starting something; otherwise, you will continue to face issues in your relationships. The North Node in Libra should focus on strengthening empathy and understand that sometimes sacrificing for others can also be beneficial. As you share, you will discover that both your burdens and anger lessen, and your happiness increases.

Traits to Develop for North Node in Libra

Those with the North Node in Libra should focus on developing skills such as cooperation, diplomacy, increasing awareness of others’ needs, avoiding selfishness, giving support without expecting anything in return, creating win-win situations, sharing, and seeing situations from others’ perspectives.

A North Node in Libra Person Should:

  • Learn to develop love and understanding even in difficult relationships,
  • Experience harmony and balance,
  • Be fair,
  • Cooperate,
  • Avoid rushing,
  • Stop being selfish,
  • Learn to say “we.”
  • Tendencies to Leave Behind for North Node in Libra:
  • Acting impulsively without thinking,
  • Pushing oneself forward thoughtlessly,
  • Being unaware of others’ need for support,
  • Egocentrism,
  • Selfishness,
  • Poor decision-making with money,
  • Expecting others to be like them,
  • Not caring about how others perceive them,
  • Resisting compromise,
  • Anger outbursts,
  • Excessive worry about survival.

To better understand the North Node in Libra, you can also read about the South Node in Libra. By integrating the traits that need to be released into your life, you can more easily find the direction you need to take in this lifetime.

Past Life: South Node in Aries

People with the South Node in Aries need to let go of certain traits brought from past lives. Some of these traits include:

  • “When I focus on supporting others, I feel secure.”
  • “When I help someone build confidence, we both win.”
  • “When the team succeeds, I succeed.”
  • “When I share with others, I have more.”

To better understand your past life, you can also read about the North Node in Aries.

Additionally, you can read ‘North Node in the 7th House‘  and ‘South Node in the First House‘ to gain a deeper understanding of your Aries North Node.

North Node in Libra-South Node in Aries Dates

The North Node and South Node remain in each astrological sign for roughly a year and a half. Anyone born within the dates and times specified below has their North Node in Libra-South Node in Aries (times are in EST).

  • Jun 17, 1958 – Dec 15, 1959
  • Jan 8, 1977 – Jul 5, 1978
  • Aug 1, 1995 – Jan 25, 1997
  • February 19, 2014 – November 11, 2015
  • October 15, 2032 – May 22, 2032


NOTE: These interpretations express general influences. The effects may vary based on the position and aspects of the lunar nodes in your birth chart. Please seek a birth chart analysis for a personalized interpretation.

If you want to learn the meaning of lunar nodes in your birth chart, you can order my birth chart reading via Etsy.



Ulviye Suna

Hello, I'm Ulviye. I have been working as a professional digital marketing specialist for about 15 years. My amateur interests include decoration, travel, yoga, astrology, and surfing. I enjoy sharing my personal experiences related to these topics. I hope you find them beneficial as well.

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