
Eye Yoga Exercise for Droopy Eyelids Smile Lines and Puffy Eyes

This eye yoga exercise routine is designed to target droopy eyelids, smile lines, crow’s feet, and puffy eyes. By following these exercises, you can lift your eyebrows, smooth out fine lines, and reduce puffiness around the eyes. These gentle yet effective movements will help rejuvenate the eye area, giving you a more youthful and refreshed appearance.

Things to Know Before Starting the Eye Yoga Exercises

  • Before starting face yoga, wash your hands and face.
  • Do not start the eye yoga exercises without performing warm-up movements.
  • Do not apply too much pressure to avoid injuring your neck.
  • Perform the exercises at your own pace.
  • Exit the movement if you feel strained.
  • Do not perform any movement for more than 60 seconds.
  • Remember to relax your shoulders and neck after each movement.

Eye Yoga Warm-Up Exercises

  1. Start by warming up our shoulders.
  2. Gently and slowly turn your neck side to side to warm it up.
  3. Interlace your fingers at collarbone level and stretch your neck back.
  4. Then bring your chin forward to increase the stretch.
  5. Interlace your hands behind your back and bend your head forward without forcing it.
  6. After a gentle massage, you are ready to begin.

Eye Yoga Exercises

We’ll be working on the eyelids

Exercise 1:

  • Place your palm lines above your eyebrows.
  • Gently press and lift upwards.
  • Look up and try to close your eyes. Do this for 3 breaths, then release and repeat.
  • Please go at your own pace and avoid straining your neck with excessive pressure.
  • After at least 7 repetitions, hold the last one for 20 seconds.
  • Relax your shoulders and repeat the same movement.

Do this exercise in 2 sets.

  • I’ve sped up the second repetition; you can pause the video and do it at your own pace.

Exercise 2:

  • Move to the second exercise which works the entire eye area.
  • Place your index fingers at the outer corners of your eyes and your middle fingers at the beginning of your eyebrows.
  • Look up and try to close your eyelids.
  • After at least 7 repetitions, hold the last one for 20 seconds.
  • Do not apply excessive pressure with your fingers.
  • Relax your eyes by blinking.

Exercise 3:

  • Place your index and middle fingers at both ends of your eyes.
  • Gently apply pressure.
  • Look up and try to close your eyes.
  • Hold for 3 seconds and release, repeating at least 7 times at your own pace.
  • For the last one, hold for 20 seconds but exit the pose if you feel strained.
  • Relax your eyes by blinking.

Exercise 4:

  • Make an “O” with your lips and place your ring finger on the outer corner of your eye.
  • Place your palm in a way that stretches your face upwards.
  • Ensure your shoulders are relaxed.
  • Look up and quickly blink.
  • I’ve sped up the second repetition; you can pause the video and do it at your own pace for at least 20 seconds.

And that concludes the face yoga exercises for the eye area, wrinkles, and drooping eyelids. Now we can begin to relax with an eye massage.

Eye Massage Techniques

  • You can use oil or eye cream for the massage.
  • Apply the oil gently around the eye area and forehead.
  • Using two fingers, massage above the cheekbones in a rainbow shape.
  • Then, sweep sideways along the same line with your fingers.
  • Do not press too hard; just enjoy the massage.
  • Continue with gentle tapping motions using your fingers.
  • Sweep under the eyes gently using your ring fingers.
  • Now draw circles around the entire eye area using the same finger.
  • Place the middle finger under the brow and the index finger above it.
  • Close your eyes and start sweeping.
  • Now walk your fingers over the smile lines.
  • Continue walking over the brow towards the hairline.
  • If this walk strains your neck or you, you can also sweep upwards with your fingers.
  • This is a wonderful massage with instant effects, you can really see the difference!
  • Now let’s lift the other brow too.
  • Massage the lymph nodes gently to prepare them for fluid flow after the eye yoga exercises.
  • Sweep your cheeks sideways.
  • Continue sweeping downwards from the forehead.
  • Before finishing, close your eyes, place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen, and be grateful for three things about yourself.
  • As you breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, scan your face to ensure it’s relaxed.
  • When you’re ready, take a deep breath through your nose and exhale through your mouth to end the practice.

P.S: We love our wrinkles 🙂 Our goal is not to eliminate them, but to soften and slow their formation. We are grateful for being complete and well in every state <3

Ulviye Suna

Hello, I'm Ulviye. I have been working as a professional digital marketing specialist for about 15 years. My amateur interests include decoration, travel, yoga, astrology, and surfing. I enjoy sharing my personal experiences related to these topics. I hope you find them beneficial as well.

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